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The Road to 200 CWNEs

The CWNP CWNE certification saw a greater than 20% growth in the year 2016. This includes only the approved CWNEs as of early November this year. With more applications in the pipeline, this is likely to result in a more than 25% growth rate in 2016 over 2015. Reaching 200 approved CWNEs is a significant milestone for this certification and the buzz in the field indicates a continued increase in growth rate for next year.

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Selecting the Best Antenna

This blog covers information on the importance of selecting the best antenna and understanding coverage patterns.

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CWNP Wi-Fi Trek Conference

Time to Jazz Up Your Wi-Fi Knowledge Before Time Runs Out!

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Tools of the Wi-Fi Trade – Protocol Analyzers – Overview

In this blog, we will talk about protocol analyzers, what they do, why they are important for a network engineer, and which is the best protocol analyzer available in the market today. These are lot of questions to be answered in a single blog, but I will try.

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Wireless Networks – The 802.11 Series – Wi-Fi Alliance

Our next post is about the Wi-Fi Alliance and other regulatory agencies that play an important role in implementing and monitoring wireless networks.

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802.11 Wireless Networks

Learn the basics of 802.11 wireless networks(WLANs)

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Top 5 Reasons to Get a CWNP Certification

Since wireless networking professionals are more in demand than ever, having in-depth knowledge of recent technology is critical.

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Guest Blog: The CWNP: An Overview by Lee Badman

A look at the vendor-neutral WiFi certifications offered by the Certified Wireless Network Professional program.

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What Everybody Ought To Know About Rising Visions for Wi-Fi Services Towards 2020

This blog post contains the emerging opportunities and visions for Wi-Fi services towards 2020. You are likely familiar with the fact that wireless networking has proliferated rapidly worldwide in the past decades.

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