
  • By (Deleted User)

    Another Superior business move for Cisco as I see this migrating to a MiMo- Mesh- WiMAX enabled backhaul technology in the near future.

    Here is a good FAQ on the new 1500 AP for Cisco. Looks like they are about to deploy this network world-wide giving the other great mesh vendors some more wireless worries.

    Great thing,they have abandoned using IOS and instead use LWAPP and it ties back to a central source with I hope failover support

    The draw back is they don't power utilizing the standard 802.3af and aren't compatible with some of the older wireless devices from Cisco.

    That won't stop people from deploying or purchasing it, as Linksys (Cisco) will release a product that will support SOHO users in this mesh network with multiple SSID and VLAN capability.

    It will help form a part of the great IP Centric Mesh Matrixical Open Source Global Grid powered by guessed it, CISCO!

    Big Brother is watching you!

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