
  • It was on this forum way back. Maybe Keith could ask him.

    He does a brilliant summary of Maxwell's Laws.

    For anyone just beginning in Wi-Fi, some of the stuff in the paper may be a little tricky, but there are plenty of sections that contain "written decriptions without math" that are very good.

    What Joe is saying is correct. It's just that it would really help to have his explanation on audio or written, as this is a very tricky area and it can lead to misconceptions if all the defintions etc are not put in place, for folks who are just starting off in RF.

    Without going into everything that he was probably talking about, I'll put a few pointers here:

    When we take a fixed frequency signal and transmit it through free space, the signal obeys the FSPL "law". We would normally pick up the signal using an antenna. I'll use the example of a parabolic here, as it is easiest to understand. The gain of a parabolic increases with the square of the frequency, but free space path loss increases with the square of the frequency. These two can "cancel each other out" in some situations (as per my last post).


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