
  • The original study guide is a solid base, but by no means will be enough to get you by this exam. You need to read the 802.11i, and 802.1x standards and know them inside and out. You will probably have to read the CWAP study guide to get enough background information on packet analyzation. You will need to have used wireless auditing tools, and have a strong base in deciphering authentication request packets. Focus on the 4-way handshake and group handshake sequence. KNOW YOUR PROTOCOLS!!!

    The new practice exams are decent, but the phrasing is much different than the exam. This is why it is IMPERATIVE to read the IEEE standards, and know in detail the differences implemented from WEP, Dynamic WEP, TKIP, CCMP, and how and when you can use them... There are some crazy questions. SO GET TO CRACKING PEOPLE!!!

  • Almost forgot... Study WIPSs and WNMSs like the bible. What protocols do they use??? You'll need to know.

  • Had you taken the Comptia Security+ exam prior to the CWSP? How much do you think your background played in contributing to your passing the exam? While I am waiting for the new version of the CWSP study guide to become available and since I would in both the wired and wireless worlds, I thought I would build my knowledge base by going after the Comptia Security+ first and buckle down and work toward the CWSP.

    What hands on tools did you find to be most helpful in the preparation process?

  • By (Deleted User)


    CONGRATS on passing the CWSP! Excellent work!


  • yes congrats to you! Not an easy feat from what I have heard!

    I am looking forward to getting my Wireless# and CWNA exams taken and passed. I'll need to do more studying though...

  • I haven't taken or studied for the CompTIA Security+. I've worked with firewalls and general segmentation devices before, so I'd say I'm versed in their overall concept. As far as my background goes with Wireless, I've been working with the technology hands on since Orinoco released their 802.11b Gold cards... I've had to deal with all of the interoperability issues from different vendors when 802.1X EAP was first implemented in these devices.

    As far as the auditing tools I've used... CommView, Airopeek NX, AirMagnet, Airodump/Aircrack, Ethereal, L0pht etc...

    (Apology for posting in violation of NDA). Get hands on experience using the above tools, and know the ins and outs of all security handshakes, associations and such.

  • LOL nice catch. What do they say back to you about it?

  • They haven't responded, and I'm not sure if they will... That wasn't the only "funny" thing I caught on the exam... I think Kevin may be annoyed with some of my latter comments during the exam when I recommended releasing the new study guide before the exam... Little did I know I was about to pass it :D

  • By (Deleted User)

    We want and need all possible comments to make all our exams better, more relevant, and more challenging!

    Given our preference, obviously we would have the new study guide released before the exam. But we're not writing or publishing that book, McGraw-Hill is, and we have, unfortunately, no control over their publication dates.

  • Understood... It's out of frustration. I had an interesting experience when I passed my CWNA after v1 of the guide was released, so it's just more of the same. That's what you deal with when you want to be on the cutting edge :D

    Keep up the good work!

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