
  • CWAP is a very interesting topic. It will teach you how the underlying protocols and the bits work in a WLAN. In other words it will teach you the ins and outs of the packets flying in the air. Once you grab these concepts, it will be easy to attempt any CWNP certification.

    CWAP is not to go away. It's getting retired and merged into more difficult CWNE. So by taking CWAP now as a foundation will make your life easier when you are to take the exams CWNE and CWSP too.

    All these CWNP certifications are based on 802.11 series of standards. They are written for rocket scientists who have law degrees. But Devin, Criss and the team had simplified and expressed them in such a way made life easy for us who are neither rocket scientists nor lawyers.

    I have read the books CWSP (1st Edition) and CWAP (2 times already). IMO, you can grab the underlying concepts from CWAP and then apply them on CWSP too.

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