
  • Anyone know any good open source access points software that could be run on say a Linux or embedded Linux environment?

    I think there is one for the Linksys hardware and also MadWiFi for the Atheros based chipset. Anyone got any experience of using those?

    Or any recommendations?

  • By (Deleted User)

    What type of hardware?

    I roll my own based on FreeBSD using custom scripts. You could also try nanobsd script to build an embedded image but I've never tried that. There is also pfsense, m0n0wall and Voyage Linux. Those are the ones I've tried in the past, there are many others out there.

  • Open to any HW at the moment. Just wondering what options there are out there and what recommendations people may have? Was then going to follow those receommendations and select HW in line with those.

    What HW are you using? Using an Atheros based radio?

  • By (Deleted User)

    I am currently using Soekris and WRAP boards with MiniPCI a/b/g radios based on Atheros chipset. I chose Atheros because my OS choice was FreeBSD and the ath driver was best supported at the time. There have been recent improvements in the wireless space in FreeBSD as of late, namely vap support (multi-bss) and other chipsets like Intel 3945 and recently Intel 4965 drivers. I don't know how well the Linux variants that are out there compare. Note that m0n0wall and pfsense are based on FreeBSD as well.

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