
  • When you're logged into the device via telnet, type the following:

    show run | inc http

    This will give you all the output that includes http in the config (it's case sensitive, so make sure it's all lower cap)

    This should give you an output like this:

    ap#show run | inc http
    ip http server
    ip http authentication local

    If you have the ip http authentication local, the ap will use the users defined in the ap when you login.
    (show run | inc user to confirm user config, username <username> password <password> in global config to add new user)

    If you don't have ip http authentication local, it will use the ip http authentication enable, which is default and unfortunately doesn't show in the config. In which case you log in with a blank username and the enable password.

    If this doesn't help, feel free to pm me an output of show run, and I'll look at it.


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