
  • In studying for the upcoming CWNA exam, I was wondering what, if any, differences there are in the IEEE 802.11n-2009 amendment and the material discussed in the HT/802.11n chapter of the Sybex study guide.

    I was reviewing a wikipedia article regarding the subject and was wondering what terminology/topics (i.e 'spatial beamforming' vs. TxBF) the CWNA test would utilize, as I tend to be skeptical of the specific details provided in Wikipedia content.

  • If you are worried about terminology, I suggest you get a copy of the CWNP dictionary. A great book, especially for the price. It also has some Bluetooth, Wimax, and Zigbee terminology, especially where they conflict with the Wi-Fi uses of the word or concept.

    There also used to be a CWNP page (somewhere) that defined some of the terms used in the exams.

    As far as Wikipedia goes - beware! I had to tear apart a manager's analysis the other day, when he tried to rely on it rather than the IEEE standard for several "facts".

    Again, I'd go with the dictionary.


  • This might be what wlanman is referring to.

    I would definitely review this before taking the exam.

    [url=]Exam Terms[/url]

  • By (Deleted User)

    Always assume that we follow the spec's terminology, especially if the alternative is Wikipedia. We generally take what we learn from the spec and from the industry (product manufacturers), so this should be your guideline. The exam terms document is still useful and can help identify a few of the common terms that have many different marketing variations. However, maintaining an exhaustive document of all terminology used on our exams just didn't make much sense at some point...hence, the dictionary. The book authors tend to learn directly from the spec or directly from others who learn from the spec and from engineers who help write the spec. So, assume that the terminology, both in the book and the exam, is in sync with the spec. If you find points of divergence, please do let us know. :)

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