
  • I passed the CWNA exam. My primary networking background is in Windows networking (10+ yrs.) and wired networking technologies, although I have also had exposure to Cisco, Novell and Sun technologies as well. Unfortunately my day to day job functionality does not include much of any hands-on Enterprise wireless networking experience at the moment, but I hope that I do get the opportunity to work hands-on with more of the 802.11 wireless technology in the future, since my company is currently using it in production.

    I would like to tackle the CWSP next. I see that the official McGraw-Hill study guide is being revised with an estimated release timeframe in the near future. In the meantime I would like to get started with my studies toward obtaining the CWSP certification. I?¡é?€??ve seen the list of recommended CWSP book reading materials on the CWNP website and I do intend to obtain some of the books on the recommended reading list to assist me in my studies. Since 802.11 wireless technologies are not currently part of my primary job function and since it wouldn?¡é?€??t be feasible for me to have my company pay for wireless related classes, I need to focus more on self study. Question: in addition to the recommended reading, at present, would you still recommend the Learnkey Wireless security CBT by Tom Carpenter (either CD or online) as being one of several germane and useful resources for studying to achieve the latest CWSP security certification? Of course I would supplement it with other things as well.

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