
  • You should be able to do this with the following script...
    If you run into problems post the session, just replace any sensitive info.


    ###Array to hold server to act on
    my @Hosts = ('', '', '");

    ### Requires the Net::Telnet Perl module
    use Net::Telnet ();

    foreach $Ap (@Hosts) {
    my $Port = '23';
    my $t = new Net::Telnet;
    $t->open(Host => $Ap, Port => $Port);
    ### You may need to modify the loging prompt
    if($t->waitfor('/login[: ]*$/i')) {
    ### Modify for comand prompt
    if($t->waitfor('/Replace with telnet command prompt/')) {
    $t->print('reboot 10');

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