CWSP - Enterprise Wi-Fi Security

Subject Authors Replies Last Post
Wireless Authentication
and 4 others
9 July 3, 2018
by charles137
Sybex CWSP 2nd edition
and 1 others
1 July 3, 2018
by charles137
Passed CWSP exam
and 2 others
4 July 3, 2018
by charles137
CWSP + CISSP + ISO/IEC 27001 - Gold Standards in Security
(Deleted User)
and 2 others
2 July 3, 2018
by charles137
WAPI Security Vulnerabilities
and 1 others
2 July 3, 2018
by charles137
Power save, or power save attack?
and 4 others
5 July 3, 2018
by charles137
Simulating 500 AP's
and 7 others
20 July 3, 2018
by charles137
Shame on Frontier Wireless
and 1 others
1 July 3, 2018
by charles137
AP Splash Page
and 6 others
8 July 3, 2018
by charles137
Cloud Managed Wi-Fi - Some Pros and Cons
and 1 others
1 July 3, 2018
by charles137
ERRATA - CWSP 2nd Edition Book. My observations
and 8 others
20 July 3, 2018
by charles137
Pass my CWSP exam but I have not received my certificate
and 3 others
8 July 3, 2018
by charles137
802.11r - PMK-R0 and R1
and 3 others
3 July 3, 2018
by charles137
Proposed legislation defends security against backdoor exploits
and 1 others
1 July 3, 2018
by charles137
Can we stream HD video over a ssid with WEP64 encryption?
and 1 others
1 May 10, 2017
by Howard
How to Catch Competitor Intentionally Interfering?
and 6 others
31 February 4, 2015
by Howard
WPS - Is it flawed?
Pravin Goyal
and 6 others
13 November 19, 2014
by Howard
CWSP preparation
and 0 others
0 May 17, 2012
by amprantino
Timing Question
Craig T.
and 1 others
4 May 2, 2012
by Craig T.
Passed CWSP
and 2 others
4 May 2, 2012
by kevin sandlin
Anything new on the Chinese wireless security (WAPI) front?
and 2 others
4 April 9, 2012
by sdfd
Shared Key authentication - beacon format
and 0 others
0 March 9, 2012
by ComputerX
Passed CWSP - 86% - notes on study methods
and 8 others
20 March 1, 2012
by ShayneH
NIST - Guidelines for Securing WLANs - Feb. 2012
Erik Lubinger
and 0 others
0 February 29, 2012
by Erik Lubinger
Long Nav/Duration value
and 2 others
3 February 27, 2012
by ace_ravi
Page 4 of 58
Success Stories

I literally just came out of the testing centre having taken the CWDP exam. The certification process opened my mind to different techniques and solutions. This knowledge can only broaden your perspective. Great job, CWNP, you have a great thing going on here.

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Working through the CWNP coursework and certifications helped not only to deepen my technical knowledge and understanding, but also it boosted my confidence. The hard work it took to earn my CWNE has been rewarding in so many ways.

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I want to commend you and all at CWNP for having a great organization. You really 'raise the bar' on knowing Wi-Fi well. I have learned a ton of information that is helping my job experience and personal career goals, because of my CWAP/CWDP/CWSP studies. Kudos to all at CWNP.

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