CWISE (Certified Wireless IoT Solution Expert)

CWISE - Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Expert

Experts Wanted

The Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Expert (CWISE) designation is the final step in the CWNP wireless IoT track. By successfully completing the CWISE requirements, you will have demonstrated that you have the most advanced skills available in today's enterprise and industrial wireless IoT market.

The CWISE certification assures that you have mastered all relevant skills to administer, install, configure, secure, troubleshoot, and design wireless IoT solutions. In addition, aspiring CWISE candidates will need to demonstrate deep understanding of protocol operations, device configuration (including sensors, actuators, IoT end devices, controllers, gateways, coordinators, etc.), performance and QoS analysis, spectrum analysis and management and advanced design.

Candidates interested in applying to become a CWISE have often spent years training and working in the wireless IoT industry and have made a significant accomplishments and contributions to the field. The intent of CWISE designation is to certify their advanced level of expertise.

What It Takes to Become a CWISE

CWNP has put in place a rigorous application process that requires candidates pass four certification exams, complete three years of experience working with wireless IoT solutions, and have three recommendations (endorsements) as well as a five question, detailed, video interview-based exam evaluated by CWNP (to be replaced by a CWISE review board at some eventual time). Additionally, all CWNE certification holders must agree to the expert Code of Ethics linked below.

NOTE: The online application for CWISE will open in September or October 2021. The application opening will depend on time to form the initial Board of Advisors. The information below can be used to help you prepare if you are planning to apply shortly after that time.

CWISE Requirements Include:

  • CWNP Certifications: Candidate must pass the certification exams for CWNA, CWISA, CWICP, CWIDP and CWIIP. Each required certification must be valid at the time you submit your CWNE application.
  • Non-CWNP Certification: Candidate must possess one (1) current and valid proctored (defined as having a person or system that monitors a candidate during an examination) IoT,  networking, or security, certification from a non-CWNP certification provider.
  • 3 Years Experience with Wireless IoT solutions: Document three years of experience working with wireless IoT and solutions through a resume or CV. This experience includes any wireless IoT protocols (those explicitly covered in the CWNP exams or those not explicitly covered), the application solutions used (like cloud services for IoT, IoT Data protocols like MQTT, DDS, AMQP, etc.), and other IoT solution components
  • 3 Endorsements (not required for CWNEs): Solicit three people to endorse your experience and ethics in working with wireless technologies.
  • 5 Question Video Interview Exam: This is a detailed, self-proctored (by CWNP) video interview live exam that CWNP provides to CWISE candidates. It consists of 5 questions that are scenario-based in the areas of security, design, troubleshooting, and integration for wireless IoT. Each question will be answered in video format live. The purpose of the interview exam is to illustrate well-rounded, expert-level knowledge of wireless IoT solutions. The candidate must have a webcam available and quality Internet access to participate in the video interview exam.

CWNP will evaluate these requirements, including the responses to the 5 Question Essay Exam, to determine approval or disapproval of the CWISE application.

Success Stories

I literally just came out of the testing centre having taken the CWDP exam. The certification process opened my mind to different techniques and solutions. This knowledge can only broaden your perspective. Great job, CWNP, you have a great thing going on here.

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Working through the CWNP coursework and certifications helped not only to deepen my technical knowledge and understanding, but also it boosted my confidence. The hard work it took to earn my CWNE has been rewarding in so many ways.

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I want to commend you and all at CWNP for having a great organization. You really 'raise the bar' on knowing Wi-Fi well. I have learned a ton of information that is helping my job experience and personal career goals, because of my CWAP/CWDP/CWSP studies. Kudos to all at CWNP.

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