Curriculum Director -

Curriculum Director -

By CWNP On 09/11/2009 - 16 Comments

New Attacks on WPA - Move Calmly Toward the Exits

Rick Murphy

Now that cryptographic researchers Beck – Tews and Ohigashi – Morii have demonstrated practical attacks that allow intruders to jam their feet in the door of TKIP/Michael protected systems, it is clear that the final push towards a complete CCMP upgrade should be planned and executed by SOHO, SMB, and Enterprise users of WLANs within the near future. However, this is not so much a clarion call as it is a gentle reminder that WPA was only intended to be a band-aid for an insufficient confidentiality mechanism (WEP) and that the real solution was and still is, CCMP. If TKIP were a movie theater, then we have our first whiff of smoke. Its time to start calmly moving towards the exits.


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