Is the WLAN market finally settling down a bit?
By CWNP On 05/19/2008 - 7 Comments
When the powers that be call to see if there are any "latest-greatest" hacks, I've actually had to say, "nothing to speak of." When I read the "latest" whitepaper on WLAN "speeds and feeds" or security (authentication/encryption) topics, it's the same old thing said a different way. Infrastructure upgrades to 802.11n is currently the hottest topic, and though there are a number of challenging facets to it, it's not mind-bogglingly difficult. Are we finally reaching a place where change is more of an "annual thing" rather than a "daily thing?"
On the horizon, there are some 802.11 amendments that will really help Wi-Fi users, such as 802.11r, 802.11s, 802.11w (to some degree) and a few others, but in general, 802.11n will be the big craze for a few more (~12) months. Thereafter, I expect applications to be the next "big deal."
Whether it's real time location services (RTLS), Wi-Fi RFID, or applications that finally support WMM, I'm hoping we'll finally see more uses for the wireless infrastructure that we've all spent the last 7+ years learning and deploying. Once the wireless infrastructure is fast, secure, flexible, easily-managed, and cost-effective, applications taking advantage of these characteristics are sure to pop up everywhere. With the iPhone and new Blackberry "Bold" both including Wi-Fi, we're off to a good start.
Anyone want to throw out any ideas for wireless-enabled applications that could change the world?
I'd like to see a LAN IM application for the iPhone or Blackberry similar to this:
When you walk in the room and turn it on, you would already have people to talk to without having to come out of your geeky, wall-flower shell. :)
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