MIMO 4x4 with TxBF Has Arrived - Dang That Was Fast!

MIMO 4x4 with TxBF Has Arrived - Dang That Was Fast!

By CWNP On 10/20/2008 - 9 Comments

Yep, my good friend Dilip Advani (CWNE #43) pointed this out to me recently.  Can you believe it?  Before long, we'll have data rates hitting 600 Mbps, with throughputs that will still be under 100 Mbps. :)  We'll have Beamforming, which will change how we wrestle with co-channel interference.  Beamforming will give us higher throughput at range and will stabilize our RF environment significantly.  This is GREAT news indeed!

My advice to IT Managers: When you see this stuff hit the market with a Wi-Fi Alliance sticker on it, find any excuse possible to throw 802.11a/b/g gear out the window (or sell it on eBay).  Obviously these new 802.11n chipsets will support 802.11r/k when the Wi-Fi Alliance version is released as "Voice-Enterprise", and likely whatever new standards are released for the next 3-4 years as well.  

How fast will vendors adopt these new chipsets?  Unknown.  You know, it's alot like 802.11r/k in fact - it'll all depend on the Wi-Fi Alliance's willingness to build and implement a test plan.  A year?  Two?  The standard is already in place, but that seems to matter very little, which is a bit irritating (though I certainly understand why things are the way they are).  I, like most everyone else, want everything now. ;) 

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