What Two Months With CWNP Can Do
By CWNP On 10/08/2013 - 229 CommentsWritten by: Tom Carpenter
This past summer we had the opportunity to work with two students as they became interns at CWNP HQ in North Carolina, USA. Kevin and Evan were tasked with several things during their time with us, but one key goal was in the back of their minds all summer long: pass the CWNA exam.
Starting in late May, both interns set to work getting up to speed on all things wireless.
They began by working on infographics that required a high-level of knowledge about 802.11 and wireless LAN implementations. Then, they attended a two day CWTS course with yours truly and passed that exam within a couple of days of the course.
For the rest of the summer, they worked on any tasks we assigned them with a work ethic that would shame many IT professionals.
Finally, they attended a CWNA class with Robert Bartz from Eight-O-Two Technology Solutions (http://eightotwo.com/) and took that final bold step into the authorized testing center. The end result was that both interns passed the CWNA exam with a high enough score to qualify as CWNT instructors if they ever so desired.
What does this tell all of the candidates for the CWNA (and CWTS) exam? You can do it.
The preparation process doesn’t have to be painful and these two interns showed that you can start with very little detailed technical knowledge in the operations of wireless LANs and pass CWTS within a few weeks. Yes, CWNA takes longer, but with the right plan and tools you can be prepared in just a few months.
I hope this little story encourages you as much as it has encouraged me to watch the success of these interns this last summer.
What was your biggest struggle in getting your CWNA? Or what are you struggling with now?
Leave a comment below! Tagged with: cwts, cwna, Studying, Study, Encouragement
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