Something +/- Whatever
Obviously the name gives you no context of the content, so I'll need to explain. I was a calibrator in the Army - that's right, a bonafide 35H that knew the Mouse Song cold. Don't worry, I won't sing it for you. If you're thinking, 'what's a calibrator?' this blog post is for you. A calibration specialist (the official title) is someone who verifies and documents the accuracy of test equipment. Occassionally (more than most calibrators would like) equipment won't calibrate properly and has to be repaired. There are multiple specialty areas within the calibration profession, such as 1) DC & Low Frequency, 2) Physical Dimensional, and 3) Radio Frequency. I think you can guess what my specialty was. It was forced upon me because our 'RF' guy was reassigned. Holy crap, the books doubled as chairs in a pinch. Scared me to death. Continue reading...