The Last Lecture is a Great Beginning in 2009
If you haven't heard of Dr. Randy Pausch, Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon, then here's your chance. His life lessons and his outlook on life are remarkable and valuable. Someone gave me his book ( for a Christmas present, and it's simply fantastic - recommended for everyone over age 0. I identify with this guy in more ways than I can count. I'm only sorry that I'll never get to meet him (he passed on July 25, 2008 of Pancreatic Cancer). In his book, he even has the same #1 rule as me: no whining. How could you not love a guy like that? His stories about Coach Graham are priceless. Fundamentals, hard work, head fakes, and experience. That's gold, Jerry! Gold!
If you like to read, the book (which is based on his lecture) is very well written and gives more content than the lecture - though the lecture is superb. If you'd rather watch the lecture itself, there's a link directly on his website (noted above). This book and lecture were just too valuable not to share. Here's Dr. Pausch's website, and the Diane Sawyer interview video (bottom/left) is great.
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