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BLOG: The Health Effects of Wi-Fi Exposure

These days Wi-Fi is quite literally as ubiquitous as the air we breathe. For most Americans and much of the entire world's population, Wi-Fi signals broadcast in their homes, places of work, in cars, on airplanes, in the stores and cafes, they frequent and of course, through the omnipresent smartphones and handheld devices they use. This begs the question. Are there any deleterious health effects associated with living in this environment? Concerningly, the answer to this question is yes.

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The Health Effects of Wi-Fi Exposure

George Casper addresses some of the harmful impacts of Wi-Fi exposure and some action steps to mitigate these impacts.

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Wi-Fi in the Sky

What are the "ground-based models" and "satellite-based models" for inflight Wi-Fi to which this article refers and how exactly do they work?

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How the Huawei Executive Order Affects 5G

On May 15, 2019, President Trump issued an executive order declaring a national emergency related to information technology in the United States. The order seems to be specifically designed to block the transfer of technology and equipment to China and the Chinese technology company Huawei. Although the Trump administration has not described the order as specifically directed towards China or Huawei, there has been much buzz in conservative media about the threat China poses, particularly with respect to the construction of the soon-to-be-implemented 5G network.

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