APs for Haiti (Aerohive repost)
(reposted with permission from Aerohive) You bet we did! When my friend Mark Elliott of Mercy Ships (MercyShips.org) asked if we could “help a brother out”, we jumped at the chance.
Continue reading...(reposted with permission from Aerohive) You bet we did! When my friend Mark Elliott of Mercy Ships (MercyShips.org) asked if we could “help a brother out”, we jumped at the chance.
Continue reading...In the vendor scramble towards low-priced commoditized 802.11n hardware, one vendor is drawing a line in the sand and bucking the trend. Perhaps the only vendor that could stand resolute with this decision, Cisco is foregoing the sprint to status quo (low priced 2x2) by introducing the antithesis of commodity, something that fits by itself in a category called “premium.”
Continue reading...Ekahau really impressed me a few weeks back. First off, they’ve jumped headlong into supporting CWNP trainers (CWNTs) by providing training and resources so that CWNTs can continue to offer the best wireless education on the market (that’s my shameless pride in our CWNTs). Support like this is critical for CWNP training and trainers to maintain industry relevance. Having some of the best tools on the market is a big part of having functional WLANs, but even the best tools are useless in the hands of a dummy. Ekahau’s people are smart enough to make some super products, and they’re smart enough to follow up on their great tools by pushing forward with educational efforts. Many vendors are active in the same way, and we appreciate them all very much. Special thanks to Jussi and EJ at Ekahau for hosting the CWNT webinar!
Continue reading...As Mercy Ships pulled into Liberia in 2006, the country had just come out of a 14 year civil war. Children had been trained to be soldiers and were even forced to kill their own families. Civilians had their arms amputated at the wrist (long sleeve) or at the elbow (short sleeve) for no other reason than to create casualties for the government to have to deal with.
Continue reading...My name is Mark Elliott I am a former US Coast Guard Officer and a 15 year IT professional manager having served on both sides of the Purchase Order as both an IT Director and as a Post and Pre Sales Engineering Manager. My good friend Kevin Sandlin of CWNP has invited me to start this blog to highlight my faith based humanitarian service and how I use IT technology to change the plight of the poorest and sickest people of this world.
Continue reading...A vast majority of technologies blossom and wither away. Only a few of them survive the test of time. Wi-Fi seems to be one those robust technologies. It has transformed not just the way people work, but the way they communicate and play. Wi-Fi was initially designed to be a (yet another) technology to connect notebooks and computers to networks, but now it has made its way into all kinds of consumer devices – e.g., phones, PDAs, gaming consoles, cameras, DVD players, televisions. With proliferation of 802.11n, the trend is just going to increase. Hence, there is a strong need to make sure that all the Wi-Fi devices are interoperable.
Continue reading...I often have the privilege of learning about new products before they are released, which allows me to get some hands-on experience and a close-up preview. Every now and again, I get a sneak peak at something special, a WLAN game changer. For a few months now, I’ve beta tested, provided detailed feedback, and worked closely with the engineering team at Aerohive in preparation for a new game changing product. Finally, the information embargo is over and I can speak freely. What a relief.
Continue reading...A few months ago, I discussed the need for the Enterprise mode of WPA/WPA2 encryption in even small businesses and how outsourcing the RADIUS/802.1X server can save a great deal of time and money. Well now I'm going to show how to secure your 802.1X settings once you have a server or hosted service up and running.
Continue reading...If there’s one term that is central to wireless networking, it is this: half-duplex. I’ve heard it over and over in the past few weeks in conversations with vendors and consultants who continue to wonder why some folks still don’t understand the basics of WLAN design. As a foretaste to our real solution, here are a few broad and specific questions and answers for basic wireless hygiene that should help our friends with underperforming networks.
Continue reading...I wanted to write a quick blog to make sure the CWNP blog reading community is made aware of another fantastic resource for WLAN professionals that just so happens to be called Wireless LAN Professionals. Keith Parsons, CWNE #3 and CWNT, launched his latest project at the beginning of this year, a website devoted to educating, informing, entertaining, and inspiring WLAN professionals, as his site’s subtitle aptly states. The free content and technical resources available there are exceptional.
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