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  • CWNP

Site Survey Rigs

I’ve been traveling to customer locations to perform wireless site survey work for over four years now, and I can assure you traveling with survey gear can be somewhat tricky, especially if you’re like me and want to avoid checking your bags at the airport. I’ve seen many a survey kit arrive in pieces as a result of the thorough TSA checked baggage ‘screening’. As a result, I’ve come up with some fool proof ways of flying with survey gear stored in my carry-on luggage, while doings so in a way that I’m not holding up the TSA security checkpoint line.

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  • CWNP

More Features and Products from Meraki

Meraki is at that weird stage in a tech start-up’s life where it becomes hugely critical to grow sales, differentiate the products, and gain greater industry recognition. They seem to be meeting that challenge in stride with what seems like an unending series of new hardware and software product announcements. To quote Mr. Vanilla Ice, “Will they ever stop? Yo, I don’t know.” I bet their engineers are tired, though (rhyming unintentional).

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  • CWNP

Integrated Spectrum Analysis: State of the Market

I wrote a while back about Cisco CleanAir and the strong lead they took in the integrated spectrum analysis trend by incorporating logic gates from the Cognio chip. Aruba met CleanAir with a barrage of press touting their own integrated spectrum analysis, and Aruba is clearly the strongest competitor to Cisco in this arena. Meraki is the third vendor to announce the same feature, though theirs reflects the development of a smaller company playing largely in the mid-market where Cisco and Aruba are the heavy hitters out for the enterprise. CleanAir struck a chord in the industry and there is plenty of information out there about their products. Regarding Cisco’s current, and future, competitors, here are a few things to know.

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  • CWNP

Shamrockin' the Wireless Industry

Wireless Tech Field Day will be held March 17-18th, 2011 in San Jose, CA.

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  • CWNP

802.11n, Security, and MCS Rates

I had an interesting experience a while back. As I’ve said before, I work primarily from my home office and a local office in West Michigan. I went upstairs for one reason or another (too much coffee), and when I came back down to my office, I caught a whiff of something that surprised me. You ever have that? Perhaps you’ll smell pumpkin pie and it’ll remind you of high school homecoming or the smell of aloe (or moth balls) will remind you of Grandma’s. Well, I walked into my office, smelled this delightful smell, and at first, couldn’t identify it. It took me a few seconds, as I looked up at my open office window, to realize that this captivating aroma in which I partook was none other than fresh air. I’ve been inside too much lately.

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  • CWNP

January Wi-Fi Notables

January was a relatively exciting month in the SMB and enterprise WLAN arena. Here are some of the hot topics that caught my attention.

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  • CWNP

Wi-Fi Misinformation

Warning: I may sound snobbish (bordering on judgmental) in this article. I subscribe to a local technology newsletter. The members meet once a month, so I get a monthly invite to the nerdfest with a description of the topic, the schedule, the sponsor, and the presenter. Most months they talk about switching fabrics or virtualization or WAN optimization or something else that is not really in my swing zone. But, perhaps twice a year, the topic of wireless rolls around, and I attend. Last night was one of those nights.

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Best Practices to Achieve PCI Compliance for Wireless Networks

Wi-Fi security is a big deal. The widespread adoption of Wi-Fi over the last decade combined with early security protocol design flaws, multiple high-profile security breaches, and the recent explosion of mobile commerce initiatives have placed Wi-Fi security at the forefront of industry regulations and corporate IT security budgets.

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  • CWNP

Factors to Compare Integrated and Overlay WIPS

Last time I wrote about the WIPS evaluation factors on this blog, I focused on the WIPS features and did not discuss the topic of integrated/overlay WIPS. While that post was well received, readers also wanted to see the discussion on the integrated/overlay WIPS architectures. I hear them, since almost everyone planning the WIPS project in the enterprise network is faced with making the choice between these two architectures. So the question arises: Are there any objective criteria that can be used to make the judicious decision on the WIPS architecture that is right for the particular environment? Yes there are, and that is precisely the topic of this post. In this post, I will lay out some factors which can help compare these two WIPS architectures for your environment.

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  • CWNP

AirCheck: A Follow Up

Back in the early Spring when the Michigan snow clung to the ground like a two-year old to mommy’s leg, I wrote about Fluke Networks’ new handheld network analysis tool, AirCheck. My original test product for that article was an early alpha unit that was returned to Fluke Networks after a hardware bug (it was fixed) was discovered. Ever since, I’ve had a slight nagging feeling that I left the intro blog a little short and lacking in visual material. I find it apt timing that a similar product was released back in December, which could make for some interesting discussion in the comments section. Anyway, to make good after my initial limitations, here’s a follow-up that demonstrates the device, its features, and its interface.

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