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  • CWNP

Bluetooth Devices and AFH - WLAN Foundations

In the WLAN Foundations series, I will be covering the foundational concepts that longtime WLAN engineers have placed in the deepest recesses of their minds and think little about these days. The WLAN Foundation series blog posts will be short and to the point. In this post, I explain Bluetooth AFH. Continue reading...

  • CWNP

Improving Marital Relationships (On the CWNP Blog?)

It dawned on me the other day, “If I can learn to use the knowledge I have of 802.11 communications and apply it to my communications with my wife, maybe I can succeed in implementing a collision-free zone.” OK. It might be hard to remove all “collisions,” but we can certainly learn some important things about marital communications from the 802.11 standards. In this post, I will explain the first lesson I learned about married life from the 802.11 standard. Continue reading...

  • CWNP

802.11 Commentary Part 3 – How WLANs Are Different

This video covers 802.11-2012 clause 4.2, which focuses on the differences between WLANs and wired LANs. Continue reading...

802.11ac (VHT) - Just the Facts

When a new development comes along, related to any technology, the proper foundation must exist if we are to understand it well. Today, I want to present the basic facts related to the new 802.11ac draft amendment of the 802.11-2012 standard. The purpose is to answer the five most common questions asked about 802.11ac:

  • Why create a new physical layer (PHY)?
  • In what frequency band will the PHY operate?
  • What new capabilities or technologies are introduced?
  • Who will benefit from it?
  • When will we see it?
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  • CWNP

802.11 Commentary Part 2 - Front Matter

This video covers the 802.11 Front Matter and provides you with an overview of the important early pages in the 802.11 standard. You will learn why they are there and how they help you understand all of the remaining clauses within the standard.

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  • CWNP

802.11 Commentary Series Launches

The first video in the new 802.11 Commentary series is live on YouTube. We will be adding to this series each week until we have worked out way through the entire 802.11-2012 standard roll-up. Continue reading...

  • CWNP

And The Road Goes Ever On...

It was a Commodore Pet. I turned on the system, saw the lime flickering text on the screen, and was hooked for life. Like an addict, I pursued the knowledge of computers and computing with a passion that has sometimes bordered on insanity. All-nighters, caffeine filled weekends and shopping online for documentation older than I am have all led me to where I am today. Yes, the journey started with a stand-alone Commodore computer (which I still argue was the best line of computers in personal computing history), but it moved well beyond the scope of personal computing.

Commodore PET 4032 - SOURCE:

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  • CWNP

Announcing the CWNA (PW0-105) Update!

CWNA PW0-105 Study GuideStrap on your boxing gloves and prepare yourself for the latest update of the CWNA exam. We’re pleased to announce the upcoming release of the PW0-105 CWNA exam and the availability the new CWNA PW0-105 study guide!

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  • CWNP

First Look at 802.11u

At the end of Q1 2012, much of the industry’s attention this year has been given to Hotspot 2.0, 802.11u, and the heterogeneous network (hetnet). As an industry, we’re watching (or will be watching) the unlicensed underdog take its rightful place as a mature, mission-critical technology for enterprises and carriers. If Wi-Fi is not already everywhere, give it 12 months.

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  • CWNP

Compliments of (and to) Devin

Civil EngineerOne of my human resolutions is to be more optimistic and to find more opportunities to speak words of affirmation. I know, that seems better suited to a pop-psychology Christian blog than a WLAN blog, but bear with me for minute. Words of affirmation are sometimes rare in technology realms because if we’re really honest, most IT folks are surly, irascible, and unwilling to say nice things or help junior engineers. That’s a pretty crummy way to spend your days. And that’s why I’m often inspired, encouraged, and even surprised when I meet skilled senior engineers that are willing to be human by graciously recognizing that everyone has to start somewhere.

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