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Editorial: Let's Make Wireless as Boring as Possible...
...and why boring is not bad. When something is boring, it's expected. When something is boring, it's common. When something is boring, it's not interesting. For your users, wireless should be boring.
Continue reading...The Importance of a Home Lab (Guest Blog)
Ever thought of creating a home lab? Here's why it's important.
Continue reading...Industrial Networking and Automation: Terminology, Part 4 (Control Systems, SCADA)
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) is a control system that can be used for monitoring and controlling industrial (and other) equipment. This article explains the basic capabilities of SCADA systems.
Continue reading...The Value of Certification for Technology Professionals in 2021
IT certifications have existed for decades. I acquired my first certification in the mid-90s. It was a Windows 95 Support certification. Since that time, I've acquired many other certifications and have been heavily involved in the certification industry (obviously). Writing books for seventeen different certifications, creating elearning for more than sixty certifications and helping to set the direction for certifications at CWNP since 2012. In all that time, one question has surfaced most frequently. It is usually phrase, "Do certifications have value?" or "Do certifications matter?" Depending on your interpretation of the question, the answers may vary, but I will attempt to address them in this post.
Continue reading...Industrial Networking and Automation: Terminology, Part 3 (Control Systems, PLC, and DCS)
Control systems have been key to the development of industrial automation. A control system is used to control the output of a machine or other system to meet requirements based on a sequence of events or a specified condition. This article will address control systems in general and PLC and DCS systems specifically.
Continue reading...Industrial Networking and Automation: Terminology, Part 2 (Sensors and Actuators)
In this second part of the Industrial Network and Automation: Terminology series, we will look at sensors and actuators to understand the role they play in automation.
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