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  • CWNP

Aerohive Updates for HiveOS 4.0

In a conversation last week, I was asked about hot topics in Wi-Fi. My list went something like this: • Mobile, mobile, and more mobile device management and control • Simple guest access and provisioning • Spectrum analysis • Architecture

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  • CWNP

Metageek: Company and Product Review

Recent months have heightened my respect for Metageek. The company story, the people, and their products are all incredible. I’ll talk about each, in turn, in this article.

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  • CWNP

Wi-Fi Overhead, Part 2: Solutions to Overhead

This is the second article in a two-part discussion about WLAN overhead. Part 1 (Sources of Overhead) demonstrated that there are too many sources of overhead on W-Fi networks. Much of the overhead is required for successful protocol operation, but that reality doesn’t make it suck less. In fact, protocol overhead usually causes at least a 50% decrease in actual network throughput when compared with theoretical signaling rates. Ouch.

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  • CWNP

Wi-Fi Overhead, Part 1: Sources of Overhead

Radio communication requires overhead. Network protocols require overhead. Unfortunately, wireless network protocols, like Wi-Fi, are loaded with overhead. Some amount of overhead is necessary for effective communications and interoperability; however, there are also times when overhead is unnecessary. Proper network design and deployment can minimize this overhead and improve network performance. This article kicks off a two-part post that will identify the sources of overhead (part 1) on WLANs and then provide some recommendations for reducing it (part 2).

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  • CWNP

Three Spatial Streams: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

To date, three enterprise vendors (Aruba, HP, Meraki) have announced new three spatial stream APs (3x3:3), and others will follow. The progress of three spatial streams looks really good on paper, where our maximum throughput increases by 50%. It’s a marketing dream come true. But, what’s the reality? What are the real-world gains, and how important is the third spatial stream?

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  • CWNP

Wireless Tech Field Day

The wireless industry is a great “place” to work. It’s a super competitive field to be sure, but the community is amazing. I’m in San Jose for the rest of this week for Wireless Tech Field Day, an event organized by GestaltIT. I’m spending some time with many of the active members of the Wi-Fi community, learning that they are real people and not just 16-bit avatars.

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  • CWNP

Aruba's MOVE Architecture

Aruba announced new stuff today…a lot of new stuff. New software, new hardware, a new perspective on the architecture debate, new market entry, new solutions to consumer device proliferation problems, and the list goes on. I’ll tackle most of them in turn.

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  • CWNP

Site Survey Rigs

I’ve been traveling to customer locations to perform wireless site survey work for over four years now, and I can assure you traveling with survey gear can be somewhat tricky, especially if you’re like me and want to avoid checking your bags at the airport. I’ve seen many a survey kit arrive in pieces as a result of the thorough TSA checked baggage ‘screening’. As a result, I’ve come up with some fool proof ways of flying with survey gear stored in my carry-on luggage, while doings so in a way that I’m not holding up the TSA security checkpoint line.

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  • CWNP

More Features and Products from Meraki

Meraki is at that weird stage in a tech start-up’s life where it becomes hugely critical to grow sales, differentiate the products, and gain greater industry recognition. They seem to be meeting that challenge in stride with what seems like an unending series of new hardware and software product announcements. To quote Mr. Vanilla Ice, “Will they ever stop? Yo, I don’t know.” I bet their engineers are tired, though (rhyming unintentional).

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  • CWNP

Integrated Spectrum Analysis: State of the Market

I wrote a while back about Cisco CleanAir and the strong lead they took in the integrated spectrum analysis trend by incorporating logic gates from the Cognio chip. Aruba met CleanAir with a barrage of press touting their own integrated spectrum analysis, and Aruba is clearly the strongest competitor to Cisco in this arena. Meraki is the third vendor to announce the same feature, though theirs reflects the development of a smaller company playing largely in the mid-market where Cisco and Aruba are the heavy hitters out for the enterprise. CleanAir struck a chord in the industry and there is plenty of information out there about their products. Regarding Cisco’s current, and future, competitors, here are a few things to know.

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